BOO! *screams* noooo… Let’s talk about fear

Hello lady-babes, sir-babes, and everyone in between.

Fear plays such a HUOOOGE part in my life (and in all of our lives!) that I just felt I had to write a little something about it.

I believe that all of our choices and feelings are either rooted in fear or love. I know that sounds very simplistic, but hear me out. Every time I feel bad about something in some way, when I analyze it it’s easy to see that the “badness” is coming from a place of fear, or a lack of love. I’ll decide not to do something that I felt motivated to do and don’t know why at first. Then I have a closer and look and realize OH HEY I just got too scared gosh darnit. For example: writing this blog. I often feel like writing but then get demotivated, and when I sit down and listen to my mind I realize it’s because I’m scared of what people will think or say. Well I’m on a mission to stop being a lil bitch and start DOING! Even if it’s just a little bit at a time.

I get scared about lots of stuff – I would go so far as to say OODLES of things. Yes, OODLES! I get scared, normal things like whether I’m making the right life choices and more unusual things like being in crowds sometimes or spending time with other people in general… Or being alone… Or you know, most things at some point or another! Oops.

What I want to say to you though, and say to myself, is that that is ok. I go out and try and face my fears; I do my best and I am finally learning that that is ENOUGH. That is more than enough. We’re all just doing the best we can and when we try and face our fears we are brave motherfuckers. Even if those fears seem unusual or small to other people. If you’re scared and you face it in some way or another, you are BRAVE! Remember that! Give yourself a good old pat on the back or a lollipop or something you glorious human being!

Bravery isn’t fearlessness. Bravery is feeling the fear and the scary thing anyway. I don’t know where I first heard that but I love that quote (my botched version of it, anyway).

So I want you to know that if you’re scared of lots of things like me, that you’re not alone. And no matter how many things you’re scared of or what they are, if you’re doing something about it – ANYTHING – you should be proud of yourself.

Have a beautiful day!


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