Sleepy Foxes

IMG_9582 IMG_9584 IMG_9585I love dressing for Autumn. I feel like sleepy foxes are perfect for this season. You can see the gorgeous little fuzzy creatures on the skirt made by my lovely Mother.

I can’t resist a good collar either, I’m basically in love with this whole outfit. Sadly this was my last wear of the heeled boots you can barely see – it turns out they were completely falling apart and I hadn’t noticed! I am quite the silly sausage. We had a lovely farewell with a gorgeous outfit though so it’s all ok. I will survive my beloved shoe loss.



Earrings: Culture Vulture (an amazing shop found in Leeds Corn Exchange or York)

Shirt: New Look

Skirt: Homemade

Tights: Topshop

Boots: Topshop

Love love love

